2008年11月8日 星期六









一、 馬英九總統和行政院長劉兆玄必須公開向國人道歉。

二、 警政署長王卓鈞、國安局長蔡朝明,應立刻下臺。

三、 立法院立即修改限縮人民權利的「集會遊行法」。

Starting on November 3, with the visit of representatives from China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS) to sign various agreements with our government , police officers have engaged in numerous abusive acts against peaceful protestors from various dissenting groups,
under the guise of "keeping the peace". These acts have included arbitrary searches and prohibitions, seizure and destruction of property, physical assault, dispersion, and even arrest and detention. The vast majority of the victims of this police brutality were nowhere near ARATS hairman Chen Yunlin, and were simply passing, standing, or photographing various areas when they were victimized.

Through reports in the media, we have come to realize the seriousness of the current situation. It is no longer a technical question of excessive law enforcement tactics, nor is it simply a partisan issue between supporters of various political parties. This is a proliferation of state sponsored violence that is provoking and attacking civil society. All these oppressive
acts, which ignore human rights and democratic values are reminiscent of martial law. Even legislators from the ruling party have expressed concern over this issue to the Executive Yuan, only to see the chief authority - Premier Liu, dodge responsibility while providing only the flimsiest of excuses. We are stunned and outraged by this response, as well as ashamed and increasingly uneasy.

We must ask: Does increasing cross-Strait exchange require Taiwan to lower its standards of freedom and democracy, in order to achieve the same level of repressive authoritarian rule that China has?

In only a few short days, the liberal democracy that the people of Taiwan have fought so hard for has nearly collapsed amid massive police presence in the city, and the atmosphere of fear and repression that it brings. Behind its police state-like barricades, our government remains blinded by its delusions of a "meeting of historic proportions", and indulge itself in its receptions and banquets. Through this all, the peoples' constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of speech and movement have been cast aside, and even forgotten.

As many of their actions are nconstitutional, it is not surprising that not a single police officer before the cameras has been able to definitively state what law empowers them to carry out the orders issued to them by their superiors. Police officers are supposed to be civil servants charged with protecting the people. Yet under the outrageous requests issued from above, they have become thugs restricting and punishing the people for expressing their opinions. We have no intention of blaming individual police officers who can only obey orders issued by their superiors. Rather, we solemnly demand that the highest authorities in the government bear the largest share of political responsibility for these abuses.

We are simply a group of university professors, students, cultural workers, and citizens who are concerned about Taiwan's current state of disorder and future development. At 11AM on November 6, without any support or mobilization from any political party or civic group, we will assemble at the gate of the Executive Yuan in black clothes and face masks symbolizing our painful protest, and will join hands sitting in civil disobedience until our requests are met. Our requests include:

President Ma Ying-jeou and Premier Liu Chao-shiuan must publicly apologize to all citizens.

National Police Agency Director-General Wang Cho-chiun and National Security Bureau Director Tsai Chao-ming must step down.

The Legislative Yuan must revise the Parade and Assembly Law, which currently restricts the rights of the people.(Translated by Loren Chang, 海天)

翻訳 Chohbunsoh, seii






私たちは(政治的な意図で集められたのではなく)単なる台湾の「現状の混乱」と「今後の発展」に関して心配している大学教授、学生、文化的な労働者と市民です。どんな政党や市民団体からも少しもサポートや動員をされることなく、 2008年11月6日(木)午前11時(台湾時間)に、私たちの苦痛と抗議を象徴する黒い服とマスクで行政院前に集合し、手に手を繋ぎ平和的に、私たちの主張が受けられるまで座る決意をしております。





Current Group Picture is from Nienyi Ho (http://www.flickr.com/people/honienyi/)

網站: http://action1106.blogspot.com/
